Open Letter: Appeal for Humanitarian Relief and Sustainable Change in Gaza

24 October 2023

Dear all,

We write to you in the spirit of humanity and solidarity, as we bear witness to the escalating crisis in Gaza that urgently calls for immediate and meaningful action from the global community.

Following our public statement regarding the urgent need for humanitarian aid in Gaza, we express our collective concern for the devastating impact of the ongoing conflict on civilians in Gaza. We call for “a peace without violence” and emphasise the need for a ceasefire and establishing humanitarian corridors to ensure that emergency aid reaches the most vulnerable. We are heartened by the aid trucks that have crossed into Gaza this past weekend, bearing much needed supplies. As our colleagues in Palestine have noted, 20 trucks of aid are far from enough for the 2.3 million people in Gaza. Before the current conflict, there were 100 trucks crossing each day. The international community must act immediately to ensure essential humanitarian aid is delivered.

This is not merely a regional concern but a matter of global importance. Communities around the world, that are themselves familiar with conflict and crisis, stand ready to support the most vulnerable people in Palestine. We insist on an immediate halt to the violence and the protection of civilians, hospitals, schools, and community centres from attacks.

We have observed the international community’s prompt response to conflicts and crises in various regions, emphasising the importance of sovereignty and human rights. The dedication to expediting aid and finding diplomatic resolutions has been commendable. It is vital that Gaza, too, receives an equally urgent commitment to uphold human rights and ensure a swift humanitarian response, mirroring the dedication we’ve shown to other conflict-affected areas.

As local leaders in Gaza navigate this complex and dangerous environment, their unique perspective and understanding of their communities’ needs are crucial. Yet, they are also victims of this ongoing humanitarian crisis as well, caught between the urgent desire to support their communities and the imperative to protect themselves and their own families. It will take time for them to recover and be able to act, beyond their immediate communities. In the meantime, international aid agencies are positioning supplies and getting ready to bring humanitarian relief to civilians.

We urge donors and international operational actors to remain flexible in their programming and to actively engage local leaders when they are ready. As we navigate these next few weeks, it is essential to keep the channels of communication open with local and national organisation leaders in Palestine. Reach out to them, regularly, and show your support, even if they are not able to communicate with you right now. Demonstrate your humanity. And be ready to shift gears when the time comes to bring them on board in rethinking relief.

By ensuring that community needs are at the core of ongoing humanitarian support, we reaffirm the essential role local actors play in driving the response and support to communities.

This is where and how to demonstrate your commitment to localisation.



Afghanistan National Urban and Rural Development Organization (ANURDO)Afghanistan
Assalam Welfare Foundation  Afghanistan
Citizens Organization for Advocacy and Resilience (COAR)Afghanistan
Civil Society Empowerment Network – CENAfghanistan
Seahum (Southeast Asia Humanitarian Committee)ASEAN region
Association For Alternative Development (AFAD)Bangladesh
Barokupot Ganochetona Foundation-BGFBangladesh
Chilmari Distressed Development Foundation (CDDF)Bangladesh
Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM)Bangladesh
Efforts for Rural Advancement (ERA)Bangladesh
Garib Unnayan Sangstha (GUS)  Bangladesh
Light House;Bangladesh
Nabolok ParishadBangladesh
National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors Bangladesh (NAHAB) Bangladesh
National Development Programme (NDP)Bangladesh
National Development Programme (NDP)Bangladesh
Prattasha Samazik Unnayan Sangstha (PSUS)Bangladesh
Rural Society Development Association (RSDA)Bangladesh
SANGRAM (Sangathita Gramunnyan Karmasuchi/Organized Village Development Program)Bangladesh
SKS FoundationBangladesh
Solidarity from Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)Bangladesh
Somaj Unnoyan Karjocrom- SUKBangladesh
Unnayan Sangha (US)Bangladesh
Uttara Development Program Society (UDPS)Bangladesh
Action communautaire pour le Bien être de l’Enfant et de la Femme au Burkina (ABEFAB)Burkina Faso
Organization to Develop Our Villages (ODOV)Cambodia
Tekdeysovanphum Organization (TDSP)Cambodia
Community Education For Life – CEFLifeCameroon
CRGR -Central America network on DRRCentral America
Fundacion HalüColombia
Fundacion SAHEDColombia
Union pour la Promotion/Protection, la Défense des Droits Humains et de l’Environnement en sigle UPDDHEDemocratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Laissez L’Afrique Vivre “LAV”DRC
The Bureau d’informations Formations Échanges et Recherches pour le Développement ” BIFERDDRC
CORDESEl Salvador
CRIPDESEl Salvador
FUMAEl Salvador
PRO-VIDAEl Salvador
Community Initiatives Facilitations and Assistance (CIFA)Ethiopia
Taaluf Humanitarian International OrganizationEuropean Union
Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation Indonesia
Forum Zakat Beranda – Rumah Besar Gerakan Zakat IndonesiaIndonesia
Human InitiativeIndonesia
Indonesian Development and Humanitarian Alliance (IDHA)Indonesia
Nurul Hayat Indonesia
POROZ ( Perkumpulan Organisasi Pengelola Zakat)Indonesia
Pujiono Centre IndonesiaIndonesia
Baghdad Women’s AssociationIraq
Charité Humanitarian Organization, NinevehIraq
Darya Organization for Developing Women and CommunityIraq
De Raya Organization for the Development of Women and SocietyIraq
Iraqi Youth Solidarity League OrganizationIraq
Jaff Democracy and Human Rights Watch NetworkIraq
No Borders Humanity Organization (NBH)Iraq
Pekawa Organization for Humanitarian Services and Environmental DevelopmentIraq
Pena Center for Combating Violence Against WomenIraq
Sahara Economic Development Organization (SEDO)Iraq
Sorouh for Sustainable Development Foundation (SSDF)Iraq
STEP Organization for Democracy and ElectionsIraq
Forum for Women in Development and JusticeKenya
Access Center for Human Rights (ACHR)Lebanon
Al-Mobader AssociationLebanon
Bassma AssociationLebanon
Insan AssociationLebanon
Irshad & Islah AssociationLebanon
Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO)Malawi
The Cross Regional Center for Refugees and Migrants (CCRM)MENA
DiMaNN – National Disaster Management NetworkNepal
DPNet – Disaster Preparedness NetworkNepal
Forum for Awareness and Youth Activity Nepal (FAYA)Nepal
Forum for Community Upliftment System Nepal (FOCUS-Nepal)Nepal
Integrated Community Development Campaign (ICDC)Nepal
Lumanti Support Group for ShelterNepal
National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET)Nepal
Goreto GorkhaNepal Focus
Building Blocks for Peace FoundationNigeria
Bright Star Development Society Balochistan (BSDSB)Pakistan
Community Development Foundation CDFPakistan
Fast Rural Development Program (FRDP)Pakistan
Health And Nutrition Development Society – HANDSPakistan
HELP FoundationPakistan
Integrated Rural Awareness & Development Organization IRADO  Pakistan
National Humanitarian Network (NHN) Pakistan Pakistan
Pak Mission Society (PMS)Pakistan
Sangtani Women Rural Development Organization (SWRDO)Pakistan
SHIFA Welfare Association-SHIFAPakistan
Society for Mobilization Advocacy and Justice (SMAAJ)Pakistan
Veer development Organization (VDO)Pakistan
Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP)Philippines
Kaisa KaPhilippines
Action for Women and Children Concern (AWCC) SomaliaSomalia
Centre for Peace and Democracy (CPD)Somalia
Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC)Somalia
Somaliland National Disability FederationSomalia
Wajir South Development Association (WASDA)Somalia
Amalna South Sudan (AMSS)South Sudan
Assistance Mission for Africa (AMA)South Sudan
CHIDDOSouth Sudan
BINAA Organization for DevelopmentSyria
Hand In Hand for Aid & Development – HIHFADSyria
Horan Foundation – HFSyria
Malath Humanitarian OrganizationSyria
Salam Humanitarian Foundation (SHF)Syria
Space Of Peace (SOP)Syria
Syrian expatriate doctors AssociationSyria
Syrian Networks League ( SNL )Syria
Voices for Displaced Syrians Forum (VDSF)Syria
Women’s Protection Network (WPN)Syria
Hope Revival OrganizationTurkey
Maram Foundation for Relief and DevelopmentTürkiye  
Support to LifeTürkiye
Violet NGOTürkiye
YUVA Türkiye
International Humanitarian Relief – IHRTürkiye/ Syria/Lebanon
Al-Sham Humanitarian FoundationTürkiye/Syria
Elaf for Relief and DevelopmentTürkiye/Syria
Rahma WorldwideTürkiye/Syria
Seeds of Hope FoundationTürkiye/Syria  
Takaful Al Sham (TAS)Türkiye/Syria
Glory of the Later House FoundationUganda
Munguchi Medical CenterUganda
Abs Development Organization for Woman & Children Yemen
Al-Hayat Foundation for Training and Human DevelopmentYemen
Al-Qudsi/Forcibly Displaced Foundation for Development and RightsYemen
Al-Tarahum Medical FoundationYemen
Alii Future SocietyYemen
Best Foundation for Development (AFD)Yemen
Democracy SchoolYemen
Humanitarian Work LibraryYemen
Medical Mercy FoundationYemen
Mohammed Alameri – Enqath Foundation for DevelopmentYemen
Nabd Organization for Development and DevelopmentYemen
Network supporting Localization and Improvement of Response MechanismsYemen
Ola Almajd Foundation for Development OMD-YYemen
Sada Foundation for Construction and DevelopmentYemen
Save Foundation for DevelopmentYemen
Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF)Yemen
Tamdeen Youth Foundation (TYF)Yemen
Tariro Foundation of ZimbabweZimbabwe
Afghanistan National Urban and Rural Development Organization (ANURDO)Afghanistan
Assalam Welfare Foundation  Afghanistan
Citizens Organization for Advocacy and Resilience (COAR)Afghanistan
Civil Society Empowerment Network – CENAfghanistan
Seahum (Southeast Asia Humanitarian Committee)ASEAN region
Association For Alternative Development (AFAD)Bangladesh
Barokupot Ganochetona Foundation-BGFBangladesh
Chilmari Distressed Development Foundation (CDDF)Bangladesh
Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM)Bangladesh
DWIP UNNAYAN SONGSTHA (DUS) Dwip Unnayan Sangstha (
Efforts for Rural Advancement (ERA)Bangladesh
Garib Unnayan Sangstha (GUS)  Bangladesh
Light House Bangladesh
Nabolok ParishadBangladesh
National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors Bangladesh (NAHAB) National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors, Bangladesh (
National Development Programme (NDP)Bangladesh
National Development Programme (NDP)Bangladesh
Prattasha Samazik Unnayan Sangstha (PSUS)Bangladesh
Rural Society Development Association (RSDA)Bangladesh
SANGRAM (Sangathita Gramunnyan Karmasuchi/Organized Village Development Program)Bangladesh
SKS FoundationBangladesh
Solidarity from Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)Bangladesh
Somaj Unnoyan Karjocrom- SUKBangladesh
Unnayan Sangha (US)Bangladesh
Uttara Development Program Society (UDPS)Bangladesh
Action communautaire pour le Bien être de l’Enfant et de la Femme au Burkina (ABEFAB)Burkina Faso
Organization to Develop Our Villages (ODOV)Cambodia
Tekdeysovanphum Organization (TDSP)Cambodia
Community Education For Life – CEFLifeCameroon
CRGR -Central America network on DRRCentral America
Fundacion HalüColombia
Fundacion SAHEDColombia
Union pour la Promotion/Protection, la Défense des Droits Humains et de l’Environnement en sigle UPDDHEDemocratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Laissez L’Afrique Vivre “LAV”DRC
The Bureau d’informations Formations Échanges et Recherches pour le Développement ” BIFERDDRC
CORDESEl Salvador
CRIPDESEl Salvador
FUMAEl Salvador
PRO-VIDAEl Salvador
Community Initiatives Facilitations and Assistance (CIFA)Ethiopia
Taaluf Humanitarian International OrganizationEuropean Union
Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation Dompet Dhuafa – National Amil Zakat InstituteIndonesia
Forum Zakat
Beranda – Rumah Besar Gerakan Zakat Indonesia (
Human InitiativeIndonesia
Indonesian Development and Humanitarian Alliance (IDHA)Indonesia
Nurul Hayat Amil Zakat Nurul HayatIndonesia
POROZ ( Perkumpulan Organisasi Pengelola Zakat)Indonesia
Pujiono Centre IndonesiaIndonesia
Baghdad Women’s AssociationIraq
Charité Humanitarian Organization, NinevehIraq
Darya Organization for Developing Women and CommunityIraq
De Raya Organization for the Development of Women and SocietyIraq
Dijla Agricultural Association (DAA)Iraq
Iraqi Youth Solidarity League OrganizationIraq
Jaff Democracy and Human Rights Watch NetworkIraq
No Borders Humanity Organization (NBH)Iraq
Pekawa Organization for Humanitarian Services and Environmental DevelopmentIraq
Pena Center for Combating Violence Against WomenIraq
Sahara Economic Development Organization (SEDO)Iraq
Shareteah Humanitarian Organization (SHO)Iraq
Sorouh for Sustainable Development Foundation (SSDF)Iraq
STEP Organization for Democracy and ElectionsIraq
Forum for Women in Development and JusticeKenya
Access Center for Human Rights (ACHR)Lebanon
Al-Mobader AssociationLebanon
Bassma AssociationLebanon
Insan AssociationLebanon
Irshad & Islah AssociationLebanon
Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO)Malawi
The Cross Regional Center for Refugees and Migrants (CCRM)MENA
DiMaNN – National Disaster Management NetworkNepal
DPNet – Disaster Preparedness NetworkNepal
Forum for Awareness and Youth Activity Nepal (FAYA)Nepal
Forum for Community Upliftment System Nepal (FOCUS-Nepal)Nepal
Integrated Community Development Campaign (ICDC)Nepal
Lumanti Support Group for ShelterNepal
National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET)Nepal
Goreto GorkhaNepal Focus
Building Blocks for Peace FoundationNigeria
Bright Star Development Society Balochistan (BSDSB)Pakistan
Community Development Foundation CDFPakistan
Fast Rural Development Program (FRDP)Pakistan
Health And Nutrition Development Society – HANDSPakistan
HELP FoundationPakistan
Integrated Rural Awareness & Development Organization IRADO  Pakistan
National Humanitarian Network (NHN) Pakistan National Humanitarian Network Pakistan (
Pak Mission Society (PMS)Pakistan
Sangtani Women Rural Development Organization (SWRDO)Pakistan
SHIFA Welfare Association-SHIFAPakistan
Society for Mobilization Advocacy and Justice (SMAAJ)Pakistan
Veer development Organization (VDO)Pakistan
Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP)Philippines
Kaisa KaPhilippines
Action for Women and Children Concern (AWCC) SomaliaSomalia
Centre for Peace and Democracy (CPD)Somalia
Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC)Somalia
Somaliland National Disability FederationSomalia
Wajir South Development Association (WASDA)Somalia
Amalna South Sudan (AMSS)South Sudan
Assistance Mission for Africa (AMA)South Sudan
CHIDDOSouth Sudan
BINAA Organization for DevelopmentSyria
Hand In Hand for Aid & Development – HIHFADSyria
Horan Foundation – HFSyria
Malath Humanitarian OrganizationSyria
Salam Humanitarian Foundation (SHF)Syria
Space Of Peace (SOP)Syria
Syrian expatriate doctors AssociationSyria
Syrian Networks League ( SNL )Syria
Voices for Displaced Syrians Forum (VDSF)Syria
Women’s Protection Network (WPN)Syria
Hope Revival OrganizationTurkey
Maram Foundation for Relief and DevelopmentTürkiye  
Support to LifeTürkiye
Violet NGOTürkiye
YUVA Türkiye
International Humanitarian Relief – IHRTürkiye/ Syria/Lebanon
Al-Sham Humanitarian FoundationTürkiye/Syria
Elaf for Relief and DevelopmentTürkiye/Syria
Rahma WorldwideTürkiye/Syria
Seeds of Hope FoundationTürkiye/Syria  
Takaful Al Sham (TAS)Türkiye/Syria
Glory of the Later House FoundationUganda
Munguchi Medical CenterUganda
Abs Development Organization for Woman & Children Yemen
Al-Hayat Foundation for Training and Human DevelopmentYemen
Al-Qudsi/Forcibly Displaced Foundation for Development and RightsYemen
Al-Tarahum Medical FoundationYemen
Alii Future SocietyYemen
Best Foundation for Development (AFD)Yemen
Democracy SchoolYemen
Humanitarian Work LibraryYemen
Medical Mercy FoundationYemen
Mohammed Alameri – Enqath Foundation for DevelopmentYemen
Nabd Organization for Development and DevelopmentYemen
Network supporting Localization and Improvement of Response MechanismsYemen
Ola Almajd Foundation for Development OMD-YYemen
Sada Foundation for Construction and DevelopmentYemen
Save Foundation for DevelopmentYemen
Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF)Yemen
Tamdeen Youth Foundation (TYF)Yemen
Tariro Foundation of ZimbabweZimbabwe

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